Hey! Psst...I have a hint for you. The rabbit won't talk if she's
hungry. Her favorite food is carrots.
Mmm...thank you for the carrot! How do you stop the pipe, you ask? I
don't know, but I remember seeing something shiny way up in the
branches of a tree somewhere around here!
You won! You helped to stop the water pollution!
You saved the pond and all of the wonderful plants and animals who
live there!
Learn more about pollution!
Uh oh! Looks like the rabbit doesn't want to talk right now...
Hmm...can't seem to find anything near the trunk of this tree. Maybe
we'll look again later!
It looks like we need a key in order to push the button!
Even unicorns are helpless against human pollution! :-(
Oh no! Look at all of the muck being pumped into the water. We need to
stop that!
Oh no!
You couldn't stop the pollution and save the pond in time.
But don't give up! Conservation is all about perserverance! :-)
Try Again!
Inventory is empty.
You have the carrot!
You have the key!